Sunday 6 October, 4.30 pm, come and experience a time of spiritual rest, prayer, meditation and singing in the basilica, together with many other people!

The convent and basilica of Santa Maria Novella have been the seat of the Association of the Perpetual Rosary for more than a century, a reality directed and promoted by the Dominican Friars of the Roman Province of S. Caterina da Siena, which has almost 100,000 members throughout Italy and in world!

We are waiting for you in the basilica for this extraordinary event on Sunday 6 October, 4.30 pm, to contemplate the mysteries of the life of Christ accompanied by the prayer of the Holy Rosary, meditated this time by fr. Jean-Gabriel Pophillat. At the end of the Rosary, the singing of the litanies will follow with the procession into the basilica, each with their own candle which will be given to them on the spot. Followed by the celebration of the Holy Mass at 6 pm.

See the event poster

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Basilica of Santa Maria Novella

Sunday 6 October, 4.30pm
