On May 31st we are waiting for you in San Marco, in Florence, to experience a solemn celebration together on the occasion of the exact 500th anniversary of the canonization of Sant'Antonino Pierozzi OP, Dominican archbishop patron of the city and diocese of Florence!

Sant'Antonino Pierozzi was a figure who significantly marked the history and identity of Florence. This year we celebrate the 500th anniversary of his canonization, together with the 700th anniversary of the canonization of his brother Thomas Aquinas.

On May 31, the Dominican Friars of Florence await you in San Marco at 6.30 pm to celebrate the exact anniversary of the canonization (May 31, 1523 - May 31, 2023). The Eucharist will be presided over by His Excellency Mons. Giovanni Roncari, bishop of Grosseto-Pitigliano-Sovana-Orbetello, professor for many years at the Theological Faculty of Central Italy (Florence)

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Basilica of San Marco - Florence

Piazza San Marco - 6.30 pm
